Monday, May 10, 2010

hi from the ages..

we're gonna launch new stuff for this year, and its about summer! so get ready with your tanning oil, because we have awesome BIKINI and sunglasses to be worn for your summer break..

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

the no plastic bag bazaar

as the title of this post we just need u to know that we'll be in this bazaar , so what are you waiting for fortune shoppers?? lets have some fun with us in the independence day!

for make sure you guys wont get lost to reach us we provide the map as easy. Just head on down to Pavilion KL, you will see Noble Banquet along the way

Friday, August 7, 2009


good news for fanatics fashion shoppers, attention and make sure for your schedule for do not have any plan on 29th august 2009 saturday, because we will have our stall in "lelong lelong" marketplace and you're invited to come and having fun in our stall.

and just make sure exactly where's the place. we give the the map and dont get lost!! see guys!

digging it all

hey peeps!!

get ready for tomorrow because we will available for you at dig-it-all @capsquare under the bijou bazaar. so get ready with your purse and watch out with atm before you arrive there. get lovely shop with us, because we will give you the lovely one of a kind there!

xoxo, fortune vintage

have you ever heard about touch up?

Well, firstly deeply sorry for you guys about our blog never been touch up with new update because we are the owner so called our body did not together with our brain which was across the universe to have some relaxation after we've done busy thing and We've just got back from some places and we've brought back special goodies for you!

so we're writing this post just for u want wanted to you to know that we're is about to end our this post and say that WE'RE BACK AND UPDATING VERY SOON.

Monday, May 25, 2009

late update

sorry for late update, i think u guys already wait for our first update about the stuff, but really sorry we have to pending the update because limited time since i just went back from sg and some medical treatment, and my partner just start her class. so guys, please be patient waiting the update. we promise you, it will post very soon after my treatment and going back to my country all done last but not least we'll have a brand new stuff come in so get ready being thriftless with FV.

xoxo, fortune vintage